It’s 4 pm. Nancy and I arrived at the hospital about six and a half hours ago.
We’re in different sections -- me in the department for kidney transplants, Nancy in a nearby section for short-term surgery. We saw each other when we were together in the anesthesiology department earlier in the afternoon, but otherwise have mainly been in our respective rooms. I’ve had various tests (x-ray, ECG, blood, etc.) plus questions to answer (mainly having to do with medical history) and now await a final session of dialysis. The nurse I’ve seen the most of is a fellow cheese head, as people living in Alkmaar are called.
I have a wonderful view from my room -- huge sky, dramatic clouds, the Arena sports stadium in the distance looking like an immense flying saucer that had come to rest in the southeast of Amsterdam. All in all, the AMC (the Academic Medical Center) seems a nice place to be if one has to be in a hospital.
On the calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church, tomorrow is the feast of the Gospel author and physician, Saint Luke. Not bad timing for major surgery.
(photo: Nancy on the train en route to the AMC.)
Dear Jim,
I love the title "A Tale of Two Kidneys" This is the first time I posted a comment on a blog so you see how special you are!
It was such a treat to see Nancy in the pictures posted on flickr. I printed one out of the annointing - so warm and loving; makes me want to visit your church.
You know I will be praying for both of you. Take care. I send blessings and much love.
Jim and Nancy,
Thank you for doing this blog of your "tale"--we have been thinking of you and praying for you and now we have this way to stay in touch every step of the way. May both of you be renewed in body and spirit by this amazing journey.
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