Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Frankenstein's kidneys

Several years ago a vegetarian friend of ours visited America and came back to Holland exclaiming that America was bursting with vegetarians.

It must be that the passionate interest Nancy and I have developed about kidney donation has made it seem to us that more people than ever have that topic on their minds. Thus we even find cartoons on kidney transplants even in The New Yorker... The caption reads: "He goes to the bathroom a lot. Where did you get the kidneys?"

(Double-clock on the cartoon to enlarge it.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nancy! I just picked up the News from Hope publication and saw your entry. Ran right to the computer to check out the blog. Wow! Glad to hear both you and Jim are doing well. Sounds like your mom is, too. It's great to see the pictures. Have a blessed Christmas!
